Delaware & Northern

Railroad Fever swept across our country reaching a peak during the mid to late 1800s. The quiet secluded valley that contained the East Branch of the Delaware River was not visited by this malady until very early in the 1900s. Big plans called for a railroad that would transport Pennsylvania coal to Schenectady. That grand scheme was never realized but a line from the NYO & W tracks at East Branch to the Ulster & Delaware tracks at Andes was built. Prior to the completion of the railroad it was common for residents of this remote river valley to spend their entire lives close to their birthplace. The D & N changed that with residents riding the rails as far away as NYC. There was no way that the D & N could be a part of my model railroad but an engine was modified to at least resemble the prototype number 10. Two cars were built but the new finish would not have lasted long in actual operation. Unblemished shine clear...